Community Water Softeners

A proven process

The Tubilite® water softener works on the principle of ion exchange resins. Calcium-laden water passes through thousands of resin microspheres, which filter it and transform it into soft water by retaining the calcium.


When the resin is saturated, the softener switches to the regeneration phase.

After a backwash, regeneration continues by suction of a brine obtained with a special salt. This process removes calcium from the resin. Finally comes the final rinse of the resins. Regeneration is fully automated and pre-programmed according to water consumption and quality (approximately every 6 days).

Note that the sodium content of softened water can be considered negligible in a normal diet (less than 200 mg per litre on average).

“No compromise on quality”

No compromises on quality: an installation is always synonymous with rigor.

  • Robust bronze valves
  • Precision electronic control
  • Volumetric flowmeter
  • Nylon-reinforced resin bottles
  • Salt tanks with ergonomic two-piece floor and lids.
  • Bronze brine valve
  • Overflow protection

We carry out a personalized study of your softened water requirements, based on your installations, your environment and your operating criteria…